Saturday 11 September 2010

Audience Questionnaire for Trailer (Emma)

Media- Questionnaire GROUP 4 Trailer:

1. Can you think of any possible names for a new soap opera set at a college?

2. Which would you prefer to be introduced in the trailer?

(i) Potential Narratives

(ii) Characters

(iii) Both

3. How many characters would you like to see introduced. (circle your answers)


5- 10


4. What is that you enjoy most about soaps?


5. What is that you enjoy least?


6. What in a new trailer would excite your enough to watch a new program?

7. How many different locations would you expect within a soap? (Circle)

2 6

3 7

4 8

5 9

8. What kind of camera techniques do you prefer? (circle)


Unconventional (high angle, lows angles, point of view shots etc)

9. What style of music would you like included in the trailer?


10. What pace of editing would you prefer? (circle)



In between

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