Thursday 30 September 2010

Mood-Board for Mixed Up

We created a mood-board for our audience profile in order to get a feel for what our audience wants. This we want to ensure we include, and that what is incroporate into our final pieces is appropriate.

Monday 27 September 2010

This is a popular american show about uni life that we can use as inspiration, as the show has smiliar target audience and as it is popular in america, we could westernise it and bring it to biritain, making it popular here, since as far as our reasearch goes britian lacks shows portraying uni life. However, we are still researching.

Monday 20 September 2010

3 main ideas for soap.

1 - Hairdressers - The soap would take place in a salon. The storylines of the soap would feature all the gossip that the staff and regular clients talk about and hear. Audience will all be females around ages of 18 - 30.

2 - Mechanics - As soaps are normally a female dominated genre, we could challenge this and appeal to a male audience. This soap would take place in a workshop about the daily hassles of the  men that work there. Audience will all be males aged 18 - 30.
See full size image

3 - College - There isnt many soaps aimed for teenagers, therefore this soap could explore the lives of trouble teenagers. Audience would be mostly female but some males aged to 16-24.

See full size image

Here is our profile of viewer and reader! - nikki and emma (:

Magazine Detail: Younger people magazine, Institution: Channel four.

Reader Profile for TV magazine:

Sex: Female
Age: 16-25
Category: E
Occupation: Part time job (shops?)
Interests: partying, drinking, shopping,
Favourite television programs: hollyoaks, inbetweeners, skins, gossips.
Music:  pop music, maybe lady gaga, (top charts) 
Fashion: High-street fashion, primark, top shop, new look, and etc.

Viewer Profile of Trailer:
Sex: Female, Some Male
Age: 16-25
Category: E
Occupation: Part time job (shops?)
Interests: partying, drinking, shopping, spend free time in clubs/bars.
Favourite television programs: hollyoaks, inbetweeners, skins, gossips.
Fashion: New fashion trends.
Music:  pop music, maybe lady gaga, (top charts) 
Airing Day: Tuesday night, Since Wednesday and Thursday they might be heavy with workload as they want to finish all work, so Friday night they can go out. Saturday viewers will mostly be out/ busy. Sunday and Monday, they will be tired.
Or they will watch it on demand during the day or after they get in.
Airing Time: 10pm, relaxed. Competition: Usually, Documentaries, The News
Accommodation: House-share, university flat houses. Possibility to watch it in a group. Living with parents, could watch it in bedroom.

Let us know what you think/to add on?

Sunday 19 September 2010

Results of Questionnaire

We distrubuted our questionnaires to our target audience.
Here is the results to the questionnaires.

Here are a few things our target audience want in a soap.

(insert vox pox)

Saturday 11 September 2010

Audience Questionnaire for Trailer (Emma)

Media- Questionnaire GROUP 4 Trailer:

1. Can you think of any possible names for a new soap opera set at a college?

2. Which would you prefer to be introduced in the trailer?

(i) Potential Narratives

(ii) Characters

(iii) Both

3. How many characters would you like to see introduced. (circle your answers)


5- 10


4. What is that you enjoy most about soaps?


5. What is that you enjoy least?


6. What in a new trailer would excite your enough to watch a new program?

7. How many different locations would you expect within a soap? (Circle)

2 6

3 7

4 8

5 9

8. What kind of camera techniques do you prefer? (circle)


Unconventional (high angle, lows angles, point of view shots etc)

9. What style of music would you like included in the trailer?


10. What pace of editing would you prefer? (circle)



In between